How A Child Custody Lawyer Will Ensure Your Child's Best Interests Are Taken Into Account

Posted on: 27 December 2022

When deciding who gets custody of a child, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each family's situation is unique and requires an individualized approach that considers the best interests of all the involved parties. Even if both parents agree about how the parenting plan should be structured, having a child custody lawyer on your side will ensure your kids' needs are taken into account and you have the right guidance throughout the process. [Read More]

5 Reasons Why You Need A Personal Injury Lawyer To Sue Your Homeowners Association

Posted on: 2 December 2022

Have you ever been injured in a common space managed by your homeowner's association (HOA)? If so, you may be considering suing your HOA. You have a strong claim if you can prove your injuries were a result of the neglect of common spaces like stairways. However, you need good legal counsel for this kind of suit for legal and social reasons. Here are reasons why you need a personal injury lawyer to sue your HOA: [Read More]

Why Your Tax Attorney Is Recommending Tax-Loss Harvesting

Posted on: 4 November 2022

Many people look to tax attorneys for guidance on minimizing their taxes, and for good reason. One method a tax attorney may suggest is tax-loss harvesting. This can be a useful tool for reducing your overall tax bill and achieving your investment goals. While it may seem counterintuitive to sell investments that are losing money, there are some good reasons why your attorney may recommend this strategy. Here are four of them: [Read More]

3 Simple Steps To Help You Avoid Costly Mistakes When Creating A Will

Posted on: 6 October 2022

Although creating a last will is a good idea, some people put it off because they expect to live longer. Others don't see the need for a will as long as they are healthy. Unfortunately, this ignorance has cost many people a lot because they die before writing one, and you could be a victim too. No one knows when they will die, so it's always important to outline in a will who should inherit your estate or get your assets. [Read More]